Matching refers to the process where an invoice, a purchase order and logistics documents (if applicable) are compared to and matched against rules in the agreement you have with your buyer. With Kanexa the matching process is fully automated. If all the information checks out, the invoice will be approved for payment.
If it doesn’t, the invoice will be flagged as ‘Discrepant’ and needs attention. You can either amend that invoice or produce a new one to re-present, or ask your buyer to review the discrepancy and apply an adjustment i.e. a discount on the invoice value. They could also reject it at this stage. Depending on their response, the invoice status will either change to ‘Approved’ or ‘Accepted’ before it’s processed for payment.
The only exception to this is if a logistics service provider shares invoices to Kanexa on your behalf. In that case, any changes to invoices and logistics documents must be made in their booking system before they re-present them to Kanexa.
If you’re not on a smart matching program, ask your buyer about upgrading to one.